Wow, we have already finished our whole website. We both went over our work and corrected any grammer and spelling mistakes. We both had fun making this website and hope that you will all enjoy reading it, and learn a lot about the Swan River!
Today I completely finished the photo gallery with the help from Sarah. We then looked through all of our pages and made a few small adjustments. Next lesson we will tidy it up a little bit as it is due! I hope you had a great easter :)
This lesson I finished 'people now' page, and Sarah finished 'our experience' page. We had a good lesson, and HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!
During todays lesson Isabelle started working on her 'People Now' page, I finished the 'Events' page, and created another image. We have nearly finished our whole website, only three pages left which are 'People Now', 'Photo Gallery' and 'Our Experience'
Todays lesson was another good lesson, I finished the people at play page, and Isabelle has finished her First Settlers page. I created this picture, using many other pictures to create an interesting cover picture, and Isabelle found a very good picture of some othe sculpture next to the Swan River. :)

Today we added to other pages. I completed my two black swan pages, and isabelle finished her helicopter webpages. It was a good and interesting lesson.
We forgot to post our blog yesterday, so we had to post it today! Last lesson we completed the home page, helipad page and all the links, and pictures on each page, we had quite a succesful lesson!
During today's lesson I completed half of the home page, Isabelle added all the new pages we needed and we changed our theme at least 5 times! I think we had a very sucessfull lesson today.


    Isabelle and Sarah